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Own a farm
Have you ever wanted to own your own farm? Have that land but do not have the time to cultivate it? We got you covered.
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Own a farm
Have you ever wanted to own your own farm? Have that land but do not have the time to cultivate it? We got you covered.
Several Acres, 50 jobs created from owners & co-owners to empower many farmers.
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Buy Land & Own Your Farm

Are you interested in owning a farm? Food business is a good business. You can buy land within our farm estate and start your own farm. EZFarming helps farmers and farm owners scale their farms into commercial sizes. We are the Accelerator for farmers


6 Profitable Farming Businesses in Nigeria You Should Start Today

Connecting farmers

with inputs and buyers

Farm accelerator for smallholder farmers operated by Agritech Experts

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Get Involve in Agriculture

Own or Co-own farm with Agritech Expert support.

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Farm Risks

Owning a farm comes with a certain level of uncertainties e.g. wild fire, pests invasion, security risk, herder crisis, etc. Be aware of these while deciding.

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Smart Steps

Find alternative ways of securing your farms beyond traditional approaches. Risks are real. Only go into farming if you are willing to take the risk.

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Be the change

Empower Farmers & Youth to produce more food and address global hunger

You must follow these policies once you buy, own or transfer property at the estate



——————ESTATE POLICIES————————————————These policies are updated periodically. Please check this page for updates———————————–

These estate policies for farmland and property owners at EZFarming Estate ensure sustainable agricultural practices, efficient land use, and harmonious coexistence among landowners. All land owners at EZFarming Estate are required by the board of EZ Farming to comply with the following policies:

  1. Land Use and Zoning
  • Residential Zoning: The board shall have the absolute right to define areas designated for residential use, including single-family homes, multi-family units, and mixed-use developments. Land owners MUST comply with all zoning codes, rules and regulations. 
  • Commercial Zoning: The board shall have the absolute right to specify zones for commercial activities such as retail, offices, and services. Landowners MUST comply with all zoning codes, rules and regulations.
  • Industrial Zoning: The board shall have the absolute right to allocate spaces for industrial activities, ensuring they are separated from residential areas to minimize disruption. Landowners MUST comply with all zoning codes, rules and regulations.
  • Agricultural Zoning: The board shall have the absolute right to protect agricultural lands and promote sustainable farming practices. Landowners MUST comply with all zoning codes, rules and regulations.
  1. Land Allocation & Documentation
  • Description: At the time of purchase, land sold is an uncleared portion within the bush or forest with no road network.
  • Area: 1 acre of land at EZFarming Estate is 6 plots of 50ft x 100ft per plot. 
  • Location: At the time of purchase, the location of your land should be described in your sale agreement. If the purchaser or owner is any doubt about the location of their land, he/she MUST contact the board via email (or please contact customer service for support) within 12 calendar months after purchase for assistance without any further cost. If the board does not hear from the purchaser within 12 months after purchase, it is assumed that the land owner has located their land within the farm estate and is/are content with the location. 
  • Temporary Allocation: If a land owner has been given a temporary allocation due to the unknow crop or animal practice of choice at the time of purchase, the owner is required to make their crop or animal practice of choice known via a written and dated communication to the board within 12 calendar months after purchase. After this deadline, the land owner shall require additional allocation service from the estate and the owner is responsible for the full cost of getting the permanent allocation done any time after the 12-calendar month-deadline has passed. The estate shall provide the permanent land allocation service at a cost to the land owner. 
  • Possession: All land owners shall take possession of their designated land within 12 calendar months after the date of purchase. If for any reason, the land owner could not take the possession of his/her land within the stipulated time period, the owner is required to send a letter to the board not later than 30 days after the 12 calendar months window has passed. The land owner is required to send an email to the board and a postdated letter to the registered address of EZ Farming Limited within the stipulated time above. If in any doubt, please contact the customer service for support. Failure to take possession of your land within the above stipulated time shall require additional allocation services to trace, measure and do permanent allocation of your land. The land owner shall bear the full cost of additional allocation services provided by the estate. 
  • Land left unattended by the owner: If a piece of land has not been taken possession of by the owner within 12 months after purchase and the estate has had to invest on the estate land to secure it from intrusion or improve its value through estate services such as the common area development, road construction, gate construction, bridge construction, documentations and so on, the landowner SHALL pay all the estate fees required to compensate for securing and improving the land while the owner left the land unattended. The landowner shall follow the procedure for land allocation and survey. Please contact customer service to request for the procedure for land allocation and survey.
  • Allocation Services: The estate provides land allocation services. Any land owner requiring the estate’s allocation services shall comply with the allocation procedure and pay the associated fees, which are updated periodically as determined by the board. Please contact the customer service to request for the procedure for land allocation and survey. Please contact customer service to request for the procedure for land allocation and survey.
  • Sales Agreement: The estate will provide each purchaser a sale agreement at the time of purchase. This shall be the only documentation provided by the estate at no cost. Any other documentation as required by the estate policies or by law such as the survey red copy, global CofO application, deed of sale certified by a lawyer, topography, architectural design, town planning approvals and so on shall be conducted through the estate to ensure regulatory compliance, coherence and harmonization within the estate. The landowner shall pay the full cost of the documentation to the estate as at when due.
  • Survey & Survey Services: All land owners shall get a survey red copy of his/her land done within 12 calendar months after purchase to ensure proper documentation and compliance with estate policies. If a survey has not been done by this time, the land owner MUST use the estate’s surveyor services to get this done not later than 24 calendar months after purchase. This is to ensure coherence, harmonization and regulatory compliance as applicable. The landowner shall pay all the fees associated with getting the survey red copy done. A survey red copy not done before the deadline of 24 calendar months after purchase shall attract a yearly late fee of N100,000 per acre per year plus 10% to adjust for inflation. Please send an email to the board to request for the procedure for land allocation and survey.
  • Administrative Fees: The land owners shall pay yearly government fees as applicable as well as the estate’s yearly administrative fees. The board will communicate the applicable fees as at when due to the land or property owners. 
  1. Vendors
  • Permit to work in the estate: Any vendor (such as surveyor, equipment operators, traders, etc.) who desires to work within the estate MUST apply to be certified as an EZFarming Estate Approved Vendor before he/she can be allowed to enter the estate. The vendor must pay the following fees before he/she can be allowed to work within the estate. 
Vendor Application Fees
Application Fee N10,000
One-time Entrance Fee N100,000
One-time Work Permit Fee N300,000

All landowners MUST ensure that they bring ONLY EZFarming CERTIFIED AND APPROVED vendors to work in the estate. Any unapproved vendor shall not be allowed to enter the estate. A landowner that brought an unapproved vendor into the estate shall pay a fine equivalent to one-time cost of vendor work permit application, which is N410,000 for every violation of this policy.

  1. Leasing & Transfer of Land Ownership
  • Permit, Cost & Fees: All occupants and property owners at the estate are required to obtain permits for new construction, renovations, and significant alterations to ensure compliance with regulations. The occupant shall pay all the associated cost as specified by the estate management. 
  • Leasing: All land and property owners shall submit an application to the board for approval before bringing a leasee into the estate. The lease fee must comply with the estate’s price list which will be updated from time to time. This is to ensure coherence, peaceful co-existence, fairness and compliance with regulatory requirements as applicable. 
  • Transfer of land/property ownership: All land or property owners who wish to liquidate or transfer their property MUST adhere strictly to the estate’s procedure for land sale & transfer of ownership at all times. Please contact the customer service to request for the land sale and transfer of ownership procedure. Failure to do so shall attract penalties as determined by the board. The transferee shall not be allowed access to the estate and estate facilities or infrastructure until the due process has been followed by both the transferee and transferor.
  1. Building Regulations
  • Construction Permits: All occupants at the estate are required to obtain permits for new construction, renovations, and significant alterations to ensure compliance with regulations and building codes.
  • Architectural Standards: All new and existing constructions must follow regulatory guidelines and estate’s policies for architectural styles, materials, and colors to maintain a cohesive aesthetic.
  • Height Restrictions: All new and existing constructions must follow the established maximum building heights to preserve views and prevent overcrowding.
  • Setbacks and Lot Coverage: All properties must follow regulatory requirements and estate policies as determined by the board on minimum setbacks from property lines and maximum lot coverage to ensure adequate open space.
  1. Environmental Protection
  • Green Spaces: All property owners MUST ensure the preservation of green spaces, parks, and natural habitats.
  • Water Management: All farmers and property owners should comply with the estate’s policies on sustainable water use, including rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment.
  • Waste Management: Property owners are required to adhere strictly with the estate’s waste management policies and ensure proper waste disposal, comply with recycling programs, and composting initiatives.
  • Energy Efficiency: For the sustainability of the estate’s environment and the climate, occupants should use renewable energy sources and energy-efficient building designs.
  • Biodiversity: All property owners shall preserve natural habitats and promote biodiversity on farmland, including planting native species and complying with the estate’s wildlife corridor policies and guidelines.
  • Chemical Use: Chemicals are useful and at the same time dangerous to both living organisms and the environment. All property owners MUST adhere strictly to ALL regulatory requirements and the estate’s policies on chemical use (including agricultural chemicals) at all times to minimize environmental impact and ensure safe application.
  1. Property Maintenance
  • Upkeep Requirements: All property or landowners MUST maintain their properties according to the estate’s specified standard, including landscaping, weed control, building repairs, and cleanliness.
  • Pest Control: All occupants and property owners shall implement measures for pest control and prevention to protect health and property values.
  • Seasonal Maintenance: All occupants and property owners shall take responsibility for seasonal maintenance including flood control during rainy season.
  1. Sustainable Farming Practices
  • Crop Rotation: Occupants including landowners, farm owners and property owners are encouraged to practice crop rotation to maintain soil health and prevent pest buildup.
  • Organic Farming: Farmers and farm owners are encouraged to adopt organic farming practices, and reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Water Conservation:  Farmers and farm owners are encouraged to implement water-saving irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting.
  • Soil Management: To ensure profitability and sustainability, all farmland owners are required to conduct soil testing yearly at their own cost, the result of which shall be submitted to the board. Farmers are also encouraged to use sustainable soil management practices to prevent erosion and degradation.
  1. The Board
  • EZ Farming Inc.
  1. Monitoring and Compliance
  • Regular Inspections: The board will conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance with environmental and agricultural policies.
  • Reporting Requirements: All farmland owners are required to submit yearly reports on farming activities, chemical usage, and environmental impact. The report must be submitted to the board on or before 11:59 PM WAT December 31st of every year.
  • Penalties for Non-Compliance: Penalties for non-compliance with policies shall include but not limited to fines and potential loss of land use privileges.
  1. Dispute Resolution
  • Mediation Services: The estate offers mediation services to resolve disputes between landowners and property owners amicably. 
  • Grievance Procedures: All landowners and occupants who have any dispute and seeking redress for grievances must report to the board immediately. Please contact the customer service for support and allow the mediation process to take place. All occupants and property owners SHALL NOT take laws into their own hands or engage in any illegal activity or process to seek redress.
  • Legal Compliance: These policies aim at ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal laws, providing a clear legal framework for enforcement. Therefore, ALL occupants, landowners and property owners MUST comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws.
  1. Financial Policies
  • Property Taxes: All landowners and property owners are required to pay statutory property tax rates and follow any regulatory guidelines for tax assessments and payments.
  • Estate Fees: All landowners and property owners shall pay all the estate’s fees (as at when due) for the maintenance of common areas, community services, securing the land from land grabbers, global certificate of occupancy and any other steps taken or documentation to perfect the land rights. These fees, which are updated periodically to adjust for inflation and price fluctuations, are contained in the estate procedures which can be obtained by sending a request email to the board. Please contact the customer service for support.
  • Insurance: Farmers are strongly encouraged to obtain crop and livestock insurance to mitigate risks associated with natural disasters and market fluctuations.

Secretary to the Board

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