Goat Farming Investment in 2020 and 2021
Goat farming and farm investments in small or large farms that involve raising animals, more specifically goats, has been one of the most lucrative types of businesses that have emerged and taken off with great speed in the last few years. As many farmers, and not only, have been facing a number of hardships this year, as a direct result of the world pandemic, we must also understand that there is a great need of more investments within this domain and focus our efforts to see that farms all over the world are in the right path. As first time investor in such a business, what should we look into when speaking of investing in a goat farm ? What are the key points and ellements that we must take into consideration when trying to come into the area ?
Let’s simplify this a bit :
– we must firstly try and see what country we want to being our business in , what the national requirements and conditions are for starting a new animal farm of simply for investing in one. For example, in such countries as Nigeria we may receive aide from the government and even advice from long-stading farmers that already know what this business requires.
-after we look into these aspects, we must also take into consideration more practical aspects of the problem, such as the never-ending quest : what breed of goats should we choose to have on our farm : do we need goats that produce more milk or rather goats that produce more meat ? This is, of course, very dependant on what our goals are, but we should deffinitely consult with an expert before we make this choice. There is, of course , the situation in which we could raise both kinds of breeds, but this should also be taken up with an expert, as different breeds will require different conditions and care.
-speaking of care, we should also discuss the matter of animal care : we need to think that we will require access to a veterinarian that is qualified to help us keep ur animals healthy. Veterinarians can help us diagnose diseases and avoid losses of animals, but they can also help diagnose pregnant goats, they can provide vitamins and supplements and help us in situations that can stress our animals, such as weaning.
– the location and shelter that we will provide for our animals are also a very important factor in starting an animal farm : goats live very well and happy in dry and warm area, in usually large groups, so individual pens will be to no avail. Also, they are animals that are prefferably raised in locations that are a bit far away from the crowded towns, as stress and pollution do not have a good impact on them. All of these being considered, their living space would best be a pasture of a few acres, as they like to graze on fresh grass and their food source shoul be highly accesible and not too far away from the rearing area.